One of the first steps to opening up a new business is to establish your business checking account. You may be tempted to simply use your personal accounts for business purposes, but this is not a good financial or business decision. Having a separate business bank account makes it easier to track business finances. When business transactions are mingled with your normal household finances and expenses, it can be difficult to separate the business transactions from household transactions. This creates even more work for you, as if you don’t have enough work to do as a business owner! If your business is large enough, it also may be beneficial to open separate accounts for revenue, collected sales tax, estimated income tax, and payroll. This can help keep your finances organized and make tax time a little less stressful.
Missouri Central Credit Union offers banking solutions for all your small business needs. We offer multiple options for you to choose from when you are setting up a small business checking account and have one of the best small business checking accounts in the area. We have knowledgeable staff to help you choose the best business checking account to suit your specific business banking needs and they can also assist you with the process of how to open a business bank account. Missouri Central Credit Union offers a free business checking account along with an interest bearing account. Both feature options specifically focused on small business needs.
Free Business Checking Accounts
- Free statements through the mail or paperless e.statements – your choice
- Free consumer bill pay
- Free online checking viewing
- Free access to your account online with CU OnLine
- Free VISA® Debit Card
- No minimum balance required
- No monthly service charge
- Free purchase alerts when you use your VISA® Debit Card - Click Here to Sign Up
- Overdraft Protection from Business Savings
- Cash and coin service
- Merchant services available (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover) at an additional charge
Premier Business Checking Accounts
- Interest paid monthly on the average daily balance
- Monthly Service Charge of $10 waived when a daily balance of $500 is maintained in the account
- Free VISA® Debit Card
- Free access to your account with CU OnLine
- Free online checking viewing
- Free consumer bill pay
- Free statements through the mail or paperless e.statements – your choice
- Free purchase alerts when you use your VISA® Debit Card - Click Here to Sign Up
- Overdraft Protection from Business Savings
- Cash and coin service
- Merchant services available (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover) at an additional charge
Not sure how to open a business account?
Our experienced staff can help you! Call or stop in today!